posted on the network

Dec 06, 2011 23:10

CA: ok guys seriously wwhats goin dowwn
CA: theres this great big giant vvoid a nothin right wwhere all evverythin used to be
CA: so did camp do the implody thing or somethin really screwwys happenin
CA: is this another mind trip thing
CA: gog i am really not in the mood for another damned thinkpan divvin dome experimentation
CA: wwait
CA: am i dead
CA: is this wwhat death is cause its really not wwhat id been expectin
CA: i mean at least givve me a shittin bubble or wwhatevver the sleepers get this is just dissapointin
CA: and borin

[Eridan is trapped in nowhere space because his account expired for no apparent reason, do you do anything about it n/n?]
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