Oct 26, 2011 16:17
[The cornfields look a little different today. In fact, they're looking a bit festive today in that they are now corn mazes. If you enter, you may have a difficult time finding your way out. Was that scarecrow over there a moment ago? Or was it here? Dead ends litter the maze, often in the most frustrating manner possible. As you wander through, you may even find old, discarded items: a boot, a rusted over pitchfork, a tattered hat, ripped overalls . . . and, of course, various body parts, some even drapped over the walls of corn. Fortunately, they seem to only be from zombies. ... Probably.
You could try climbing out, of course, but a murder of crows always seem to be watching . . . perhaps that's not the best idea.]
Has anyone managed to find the exit yet . . . ?
[I will be tagging this and then I got super slow, so hit each other up as well! ♥]