[The pushcart is parked outside the Mess Hall with a "Preview Sale" sign tacked on it. In the corner of the Mess Hall closest to the door, Cindy has sorted and laid out most of her inventory of shoes, now almost normal--kitten-heels, high-heels, stiletto-heels, high-heeled boots and a few current trends like platform wedges all custom-made by
elves. There might be a few refugees from
this list hiding amongst them though. There are a handful of catalogues catering to people who might wear conventional men's shoes. Some attempt was made at sending out invitations, but Camp has royally borked them and Cindy can't be bothered to rectify it. Anyone can attend. Or wonder why anyone would wear them.]
I don't remember ordering in
these . . . or
those either . . .
[Also assisted by her lovely assistant Kurt.]
(Out for now! Will be back later for old and new threads if anyone wants to tag. Oh blessed weekend . . . )