Nov 13, 2010 23:06

(ITP: a disgruntled doctor standing at one end of the cafeteria, wearing a paper hat, with a squeaker dangling from his lip. He's also wearing a nametag that says DOCTOR SURLY.)

(Party post! Please poke at him, or MINGLE MINGLE MINGLE. There's a mirrorball, huge queues for the toilets, and a zombie DJ who basically keeps moaning BRAAAAINS into the mike.

The punch gives you flashbacks to a time of great stress or great triumph in your life. The flashbacks are visible to others. The suspiciously yellow dip, however, is merely suspiciously yellow. )

What the hell did I do to deserve this?!

(ETA: tiiiiired, please mingle and stuff or I will be all B'AWWWW and no one wants that) (except my enemies which now include the red-haired lady at the shop down the street I'M SORRY LADY I DIDN'T MEAN THAT TO COME OUT)
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