(no subject)

Oct 27, 2010 22:29

[tonight in your mess hall: scary movie sleepover!

half the tables have been pushed out of the way, and the floor is covered in cushy sleeping bags and huge pillows. there's a popcorn machine with classic movie theater buckets and a sign is tacked to the door:

no smoking in the theater
all scaredy cats will be mocked

currently projected on the far wall is a classic, night of the living dead. will things get campier or creepier from here? you have to stay and find out. there's a florist assassin already sprawled out munching popcorn and looking unimpressed.]

((i'll toss out any of mine, but mingle... i'm narcoleptic these days.

eta: .....holy fucking hell and i thought it was a slow night. BE PATIENT WITH ME? okay dead. picking at ones people are poking me for and then sleep. i will pick up tomorrow for realz!))
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