In which Dragaerans demonstrate a proficiency in entertainment.

Sep 12, 2010 20:35

[On this fine day, while certain Easterners gather in the cornfields for a tea party, our worthy Dragaerans have come together near Cabin Clear, that famous cabin which floats an impressive seventeen inches off the ground. The Baroness of Daavya, the Duke of Southmoor and the very Prime Minister of the Dragaeran Empire are out in force with an appropriately extensive array of fine wines.

This historian would commit a grave omission, of course, not to point out that as these friends partake of their refreshments, our friend Tazendra Lavode has already single-handedly accounted for one bottle, and is currently pacing with another bottle in hand, regaling her friends with a song of past battles. If the drink has gone to her head at all, well, it may take a keen eye to pinpoint its symptoms.

It would also be an omission, if one of lesser importance, to note that a certain Easterner assassin has some role in these worthy's entertainment.]

...And that, my dear friends, is the tale of my grandfather's final stand. It is my hope that you have found it tolerably entertaining.

((Morrolan will be slow and/or distracted. o/))
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