May 24, 2010 21:12
(Please tell me if I do something stupid, lol)
Y'know, I could've sworn we were going to somewhere pleasant. Somewhere with a bar, maybe. But apparently I've pissed Scotty off and he's transported me here instead of wherever the hell it was we were meant to be going.
Or, possibly, I'm dead.
Well, I'll just have to wait to see who's here. Then I'll know if I'm in heaven or hell.
And the first person to tell me I'm sulking is gonna get a prostate exam.
[edited a little to reflect that now I know -- ty anddoubleclick!! <3 -- that he can be reset. Though I'm still gonna play with what's been discussed with a certain other person in particular <3]
Aaand I'm out! THANK YOU ALL, will pick up my threads again later (I assume that's allowed). You guys rock <3 <3 <3