[It's still bloody dark in camp tonight, and thanks to cultish things there are more people than just zombies staggering around moaning. But if you venture near the Mess Hall tonight, you may find it lit up suddenly by the headlights of a motorcycle approaching. Suddenly and a bit erratically, I might add, since Klavier Gavin is not driving very smoothly at the moment. Still, he pulls up next to the Hall without falling off, and walks over to the doors to stick a (handwritten) notice on them. It says:
Due to recent events in camp, there's some information you should be aware of if you aren't already. A mansion has appeared on the far side of the lake. If you have not seen this mansion before, DO NOT approach it for no good reason . Apart from the fact that the cloaked people are using it as a base, it is just bad news in general. The mansion was involved in certain events in October of last year which were very unpleasant and dangerous, not to mention lethal. The mansion was burned down, but it has reappeared. Whether this is related to previous events or not is unclear, but this is a general notice of warning against venturing near the place. It should be considered dangerous by default.
More information is available at the Lawyertarium.
- Klavier Gavin
[With that done, he goes back over to the bike and starts to get on. Then he changes his mind and just flops over the handlebars instead.]
I really shouldn't be driving in this condition...
((ETA: Sleep! I will pick this up tomorrow night, but feel free to use it for expository/mingle space.))