ITP: Domestic warfare

Feb 20, 2010 17:05

[around various points of Camp something smells good today, like incense. Unfortunately, people who are smelling it might start to feel a little territorial, and combative. This is probably the cause for the violent commotion in the labs, where the scent is the strongest]

I dare you to come one step closer. Find out for yourself if I'm bluffing, unless you're too scared.

Screw you! This town just ain't big enough for the both of us, pardner. And I was here first!

Then I'm sure there is plenty of space for you out in the corridor to reclaim!

[at which point a spitting mad Harper gets tossed out of the lab. what do you do?]

((Come and watch Tyr and Harper fight over the lab or get territorial-incensed yourself! We'll both be out and about

Edit: Harper is dragged away to surprise family things. be back soon))
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