(no subject)

Jan 04, 2010 19:53

[You may see a roadie standing on a decent-sized stage with axe - no, the musical kind - in hand]

All right, people. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to shake off that December cold.

And we're going to do it with, uh... metal. In case you didn't see, Camp's got a brand new stage, and one hell of an ass-kicking sound system, so it's time to put that baby to good use.

So you know what we're going to do? We're gonna do something for everyone who's ever thrown the horns. We're gonna do something for everyone who's ever headbanged. We're gonna do something for every kid who ever grabbed a stick and pretended it was a guitar, or whoever looked at pictures of Stonehenge and thought, "Man, that'd make a badass concert stage."

If you got a guitar, bring it. If you got drums, we'll set 'em up. If you always wanted to learn to shred but don't know how, we'll teach you. All you need is that metal soul.

Get ready to rock the hell out.

[The screen goes black. And then blinks back on, with a slightly more sheepish-looking Eddie]

Oh yeah, and uh... anyone can use the stage. I mean, it's a stage. Free for public use, right? So... yeah. Hope you guys like it.

((done for the night, folks! Will catch up tomorrow!))
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