[So a Devil Summoner, a Horseman of the Apocalypse, an evil snowman, and a nattily dressed private detective walk into the fabled center of camp... Well, actually, it's not so much "walking" as it is "being hurled backwards through a rapidly closing portal that appeared out of nowhere just a second ago." The summoner and the detective are looking a bit more irritated than normal - which probably has something to do with the fifth being to squeeze through the now closed portal. Those of you with spiritual powers of any kind will no doubt notice the intruder immediately - in fact, those of you without spiritual powers will probably notice him as well, because
Mara {Note: NSFW} doesn't particularly care if anyone sees him in all his glory.
...Although he's looking decidedly less than impressive at the moment.]
This can't be! It should have only taken but -
"-one single thrust to penetrate my frail form." Yes, we know. Now yield.
[Help out? Flee? Stand around and make wildly inappropriate comments?]
((OOC: Canon update for Narumi and Raidou! ETA: Out for the night; will pick up tomorrow. Back.))