[Yet another quiet night in Camp Fuck You Die--well, aside from the giant monkeys, apparently--comes to an abrupt end with the sudden appearance from out of the murk of a nondescript
fishing vessel.
On land.
Careening downhill, in fact, in a very un-fishing-vessel-y manner.
musical accompaniment.
And as it finally crashes to a stop, and as the lyrical rhymes of T-Pain fade to mere echoes, one might hear the voice of one of this vessel's erstwhile crew--]
All right... Everybody remember where we parked.
((OOC: De-hiatus for Thor, Ricochet, the Spirit, Xanatos, and Mullin. For the record, I've never tried this with 5 before. Here goes nothing. ETA: Onset of exhaustion. Will pick up old and new sometime tomorrow!))