Jul 14, 2009 20:03

[Today in camp, there is celebration! Strains of La Marseillaise drift through the air and there is tri-colored bunting hanging about a nice spot outside, where there are tables and chairs and all things French! Wine and cheese! Croissants! Baguettes! Berets! French literature! Zombie heads on pikes!

Sitting at one of the tables, reading a copy of The Social Contract, is a young Frenchman who apparently doesn't mind the zombie heads on pikes and seems to be in an unusually good mood. Come share the joie de vivre and have a happy Bastille Day!

...just don't get hit by the occasional vache-bots that seem to be randomly being catapulted into the area.]

((ETA @ 12:00 AM EST: Slowing down for the night! I'll work on picking up new and continuing threads, though I probably will not be back until late tomorrow night, at the earliest, as I will hopefully be off playing a rousing round of Guillotine, among other games. :D))
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