(no subject)

May 06, 2009 22:31

*where ever you're seeking refuge, as long there's earth (or metal, I guess) below you-- THERE'S SUDDENLY A HOLE IN THE GROUND and a small dirty earthbender is sticking her head out of it.*

Hey. Mess hall's that way, if you need to get there. You'll have to go through other cabins first, though.

Oh, and if you know anyone that's hurt or you want some just in case, this guy's got those potion things. Just take as many as you want. I have no idea where he's keeping them a--

My thanks, Toph.

(( Toph's... making tunnels that connect from cabin to cabin and to the mess hall! And Larsa is following her, dishing out hi-potions. Whether they stay to talk is up to whether I'm around or not, but feel free to assume your cabins have been connected in some way. If your character has been injured today and needs healing, have a hi-potion or 10. I'M SWITCHING BETWEEN TOPH AND LARSA RANDOMLY. This post doubles up as a mingle post. Abuse it! Talk to people that you've been separated from!

Oh yeah, and tag your comment with your location. ))
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