Hiya! My name's Mary Marvel, and I may've just gotten here, but I can tell this place needs a little bit of perking up! So, we're going to sing some good, old fashioned
camp songs! The farmer comes out, with shotgun in hand
Bang bang! Bang bang! rings all through the land.
The little birdie falls with only one wing.
Stomp stomp, stomp stomp, now no birdies sing.
O-oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Those are not the words I learned! I don't... I don't know what happened! Oh, I'm so sorry!
[Yeah, she looks like she's going to cry]
((Intro post with Mary. All the standards apply! Also, guys, click that link for the original song. It's the cutest thing ever.
ETA: Out for the night, future thread pickings-up will be scattered. Is it June yet?))