[ITP: A girl paler than the snow. NIGHTTIME]

Jan 21, 2009 01:38

[on the edges of camp, somewhere not far from the Caves of Despair, you might come across a shivering teenage albino girl with a TERRIBLE case of sunburn, blistered hands and all. She looks dressed for summer, is carrying a duffel bag, and she's looking up at the dark sky with disdain. In her hands is a torn-paper map of Birmingham, which she's been staring at, as if staring will suddenly encourage hidden clues to show themselves.]

It's like the streets forgot where they're supposed to lead. It must be his doing. The snow too. Now how to find Red Mountain from here.

((ooc: Intro post for Dancy. May be slow due to new voice et al, but feel free to post-rape and mingle in the Caves' vicinity? ETA: back and picking up threads!))
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