[Continuing my streak of being horrible...]

Jul 01, 2008 00:32

[Mild Spoilers Ahead?]

[We ready? Okay then! Somewhere at the edge of camp a portal opens with a wooosh! and man falls out of it! Let's give him a second to regain consciousness...]

*kaff cough* ...uhn... Where... is this place...?

[There we go. Anyway, he's on his back and not moving much 'cause he's heavily wounded! No bandages are gonna be any good here... So, is there a healer in the house? Though you may also just stop by to retrieve his hat for him. That'd be nice too.

ETA: Has been healed up by Canaan and Raph and will be a dork at people!]

((ooc: Anzai did it first. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Also usual intro disclaimers apply, plus other distractions. EPIC SLOW. ;; Also, you don't have to help him.))
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