May 16, 2008 19:07
[so Naked Day seems like the perfect opportunity to go berserk, right? The Solar Data is at its peak, because I say so, and therefore Cielo is currently ripping through half a dozen zombies like they're paper in a weird half demon half human form. Well, spectacularly gory and rotting paper. That's getting all over his currently naked body.]
((Cielo and whichever of the other cannibals want to are currently berserk. He won't attack you if you don't attack him, and if you do want to attack him, feel free to ping me in IRC! Come and wtf at him~
Edit: Jinana pointed out that there could be some misunderstandings after her recent hunger bout! This is entirely separate from being hungry and Cielo will regain his normal self after ripping apart a few zombies without risking going ...more nuts? Dying? Attacking friendlies, at least. Gotta love a game that makes characters berserk in two entirely separate ways.
Edit: Bedtime! Will pick up tomorrow))