[A normal day in snowy Camp Fuck You Die. Save for a few irregularities...
In the Newbie Cabin, there's a one less camper and one more potted plant.
In the hospital, there's one less vampire and... actually, we're not really sure where he went. But are you going to be the one to ask what a vampire does when he goes on hiatus?
A giant wall of paperwork is again beginning build in the YnM cabin; somewhere in there is a secretary. Low-level IRS zombies have been spotted at the edges of the woods. They shouldn't be too much of a challenge, but nevertheless, approach at your own risk.
And on a tree near the mess hall, somewhere above snow level, a note has been posted reading: "If you're looking for Takeuchi Sora, don't worry, he'll be back in a week or so. Just had some business to take care of. ♥" It might catch one's attention that the note was posted using a rather nasty-looking hunting knife. And that what might have used to have been a small woodland creature seems to have unfortunately gotten between the knife and the tree. (It might also used to have been part of a larger woodland creature. It's rather difficult to tell.)]
((OOC: Short hiatus for Enjolras, Maladict, Tatsumi and Sora! Details
here, but basically, I'm forcing myself to publicly disappear them in order to completely cut off any temptation for me to start new threads with them. O willpower, so weak. -_-;; Feel free to play here if you want, though the OP won't be around. o/ ))