a shouta's guide to dramatic entrances

Jan 11, 2008 22:42

[ 1. Entrance must be announced by either ominous background music or hysterical screaming. in this case, hysterical screaming of "I said that's not how we say hello in Japan!" punctuated by a loud BANG!

2. For the actual entrance don't just walk. Consider sauntering, moseying, being lowered from the sky on a swing in a diamond-studded leotard. Being launched backwards into the camp area from the force of a shotgun recoiling can work just as well.

3. Land smoothly with cape/cloak/trenchcoat flapping dramatically in the background. If not in possession of a coat, long hair will have similar aesthetic appeal. If you have neither, skip this part and consider extensions for next time.

3.5 Do not skid to a stop and then fall over onto your back like our test shouta just did. ]


[ 3.6 Just pretend it never happened. ]

A-hem. You over there. Take me to your leader.

(( ooc: intropost. no need to be gentle; i will cry cute uke tears for you. Because of my AWESOMEAWESOME timing, feel free to rape anytime.

eta: my connection is all erratic and screwy so will go for now. will pick up threads old and new so just drop by, say hi and laugh ))
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