[and now for some ultimate destiny.]

Dec 13, 2007 15:12

Okay, this isn't working. I need to fight someone.

Any takers?

((Not your average fight post! Basically, Robin needs to deal with his pent up emotion the best way he knows how -- violence! However, violence usually ends in broken limbs and time spent brooding while limbs mend which is ... counter-productive to say the least. So I offer you an Ultimate Fight of Ultimate Destiny. Instead of a post full of many serious fight threads, in true Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny style (USUD - and if this means nothing to you, the song is downloadable here, and the lyrics are here. Enjoy) this is going to be one big cracky fight.

First person to reply who wants to fight and Robin will start the fight thread. Everyone else who wants to fight, jump in. You don't have to jump Robin either! Tackle anyone you like, anywhere you like, with whatever moves you like -- the more Ultimate the better (pull an AK-47 out from under your hat by all means). Just a few things to keep in mind:

1. CRACKY FIGHT. No serious injuries or death, even if you reboot automatically seconds later please. Please. I'm trying to work through Robin's emo, not add to it, and you will make him emo. Feel free to stage cracky and improbable deus ex machinas to get yourself out of scrapes, discover your opponent is ticklish, lose interest in the fight and wander away in search of snacks. Chan is full of helpful people only too ready to help out, so make use of them. If all else fails, I offer Clark to wander between you and that fatal bullet/blow/whatever. He's good like that ♥

2. HAVE FUN. Don't get hung up on this -- there are no winners, no correct way to fight. I, personally, anticipate on using such stunning rejoinders as 'BIRD-A-RANG TO THE HEAD' or 'YEAH, WELL, MY SHOES SAY DIFFERENT' or even, 'CAN IT BE KICKING YOU TIME NOW?' to thread -- I cannot juggle an emo Robin and a serious fight thread.

3. Give wriggle room. If I respond to you with 'Robin aims a kick at your face' then you get to decide if Robin hits you, how much damage he does if so, or if he misses, or if you block/counter attack. This is good! However, I get tired of typing out 'tries to'/'aims for'/'intending to' every comment and sometime just go 'kicks at' -- either way, you have the option to decide hit/dodge/block, and I think this is generally true of most people's comments in fight threads. However, if you're not sure what a comment means, ask. People don't mind at all! Same goes if you're uncomfortable with something. People are prepared to be flexible and often don't mind changing stuff.

4. FIGHTING IS OPTIONAL! I will reply to people who want to thread normally, although I will probably be slow, because Robin is being epically retarded right now, and I encourage people to do the same.

5. Please do not crush Batman's head in between your thighs. See point 1 re: Robin emo. ))
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