[Intro post! Warning: Interacting with Hibari has a high chance of you getting tonfa'd in the face.]

Oct 16, 2007 15:13

[In some slightly-off-the-beaten-path part of camp sits a young man in a folding chair. Beside him is a table containing: 1) a CD player, playing on repeat a song that goes something like The green trail ~~~~ of Namimori / It's not big or small / Nami is great! and 2) a box labeled cash donations.

Behind this display are a pair of zombies with fantastic 80s thug hair, wearing armbands that label them as members of the disciplinary committee. They hold a banner that reads Namimori School Spirit.]

Beatings will continue until school spirit improves.

((OOC: In this intro post, if you don't display what he considers to be the proper amount of school spirit, Hibari will beat you up. Or maybe if he just doesn't like you. Or if too many of you show up at once. So basically if you don't want your character beaten up for whatever reason, please leave an ooc note saying such with your comment. OTHERWISE I WILL ASSUME that, as Hibari has warned, BEATINGS MAY INDEED COMMENCE. :) It's comic violence, as per this warning.))
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