If you're passing by...

Oct 09, 2007 18:00

[Sitting on the steps of the watchhouse is (1) cup of lukewarm coffee, and one (1) of these.

Imagine for a moment, that it is wearing a helmet and has a little collar with a tag that looks suspiciously like the a copper's badge.

The front reads
"AMCW 177"

The back reads
"Commander Samuel Vimes
If found, please return to Miss Violet Baudelaire or Mr Robin, CFUD Labs"

It even has a little cigar sticking out of the side of it's mouth.]

[[OOC:Some of you saw my last post of CFO, so this isn't a huge shock. Theatre from today onwards OWNS MY SOUL and until I get it back, VIMES IS OFFICIALLY ON HIATUS. WILL BE GOING BACK AND PICKING UP THREADS, I PROMISE~ BUT OTHERWISE I WILL BE LURKING IN THE SHADOWS and disappearing into the mist like a good watchman-mun. Love you all~

And cookies to anyone who gets the reference~!]
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