Sep 20, 2007 16:14
Movie night!
The Society for Postmortem and Living-impaired or Otherwise-shuffled-off-that-mortal-coil Persons (or "dead people club" as all the kids seem to be calling it) will be having a movie night tonight in the mess hall after dinner. We will be watching a classic film about death and the afterlife, "Ghostbusters." There will be a brief and very, very optional discussion of the cultural background before hand for anyone from a time that would make comprehension of the film difficult and, if people are interested, a round-table discussion afterwards. However, attempts to recreate any events portrayed in the film against any incorporeal campers will not be tolerated. We'll be having refreshment, which my assistant informs me will be.... toast and jam.
Hope to see you there!
((OOC: sorry guys, ADD acting up something awful. Back later I hope. >_>b))