*investigating and definitely poking around inside* Maybe something has internal damage that we can't see? Seen that before. Try and try to figure out what the hell is wrong and it turns out something like a wire. Casing looks fine from the outside but the inside is a mess.
*bangs one of those bony spikes on his arms, however, and curses up a blue streak* Dammit. These things are not made for working in engines.
I'm told it won't. I can't wait to get my body back. None of the so called "cures" have worked.
By the way, if you see someone with these *boneblades get* and they aren't about yay tall, very dark and answer to Tyr Anasazi it's probably a good idea to shoot first and ask questions later.
It depends on the Nietzscheans. If they've got nothing better to do they might track you down just for the hell of it. Hopefully, none of them will ever really show up here.
*I'm going to go back to poking. Charlie's very expensive, and very ruffly clothes are being ruined but who cares?* All of the larger components are in working order. Either camp is screwing with you too or it's something small we can't see.
*I am very methodical, starting with the most likely and moving to the least likely. I also currently have eyes that can tell the difference between a contact lens and a cornea at five paces.*
Me too. I'd hate not being able to fix this lovely lady.
I don't have my toolbelt, 'cause it went missing with my body but I can probably at least tell what's wrong with it.
What sort of plane?
Who the hell are... Harper?
*looking at your plane now, and possibly poking around the engine* Wow, she's a lovely little one, isn't she?
What's the problem?
Nothing! My hand to God, everything's as it should be, but... engine won't turn over.
*bangs one of those bony spikes on his arms, however, and curses up a blue streak* Dammit. These things are not made for working in engines.
*very not happy about this. not at all*
By the way, if you see someone with these *boneblades get* and they aren't about yay tall, very dark and answer to Tyr Anasazi it's probably a good idea to shoot first and ask questions later.
*I'm going to go back to poking. Charlie's very expensive, and very ruffly clothes are being ruined but who cares?* All of the larger components are in working order. Either camp is screwing with you too or it's something small we can't see.
*now poking at the smaller stuff*
[loose wire hidden somewhere. very hidden.]
I can't believe I'm crossing my fingers for having missed something...
*I am very methodical, starting with the most likely and moving to the least likely. I also currently have eyes that can tell the difference between a contact lens and a cornea at five paces.*
Me too. I'd hate not being able to fix this lovely lady.
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