Apr 01, 2007 18:52
I've been thinking a lot about how I don't want to get rusty at forging weapons, but I don't want to get out of practice at forging craftknight-type weapons because all I can make without Sugar here is blacksmith-type weapons either. But, I think I've figured out what to do! It's okay if I'm just making regular weapons if I'm doing it to teach other people how to make them, because every apprentice needs to be taught the basics before they can bond with a guardian beast and move onto the next step!
So, would anybody like to learn how to forge weapons? We'll have to use a coal forge, which is kind've gross, but the skills would come in handy if you're ever in a dungeon without a weapon and find something you could use as a forge! ...Which doesn't really happen much, but if it did I bet you'd sure be wishing you knew how to use it, right?
((ETA OOC: The sky outside's suddenly starting to look really nasty, so if I disappear in a little while it's because I decided to turn off the computer rather than risk lightning frying it and I'll be back once the storm passes!))