Mar 30, 2007 22:31
[If your character is, oh, hanging about the edge of camp closest to the lake, he or she may see a scuffed-up dragoon, making his way along the path into the camp proper. Something vaguely gelatinous and...robust in odor sloughs off his armor, leaving a trail behind him. He's limping, favoring the left leg and using what looks like a bloody wicked spear as support to ease the weight.
There is also what looks like a severed zombie head, clamped down around his left ankle. This may or may not be the reason for said limp, although the question does arise as to why he doesn't just use the spear to dislodge his discombobulated companion.
The zombie head makes gurgling noises as Kain drags it along.
This is not the disturbing part.
He appears to be speaking to it.]
Look, it's your own thrice-damned fault. Most abominations of your ilk have the decency to give up the ghost upon decapitation. If you would've just exploded back in the woods like your comrade, we wouldn't be in this situation, and I--
--I, ahh? Ahh, we're here. Good, I was getting tired of dragging you around. Maybe somebody here will know how to extricate you from my person.
No, you don't get a vote. This isn't a democracy, we're not Mysidians.
Stop chewing, it's unseemly.
[1:40, PST - Gotta crash for the night, so I'mma wrap this up for now, but thank you all for a lovely welcome! I'll try to revisit threads when I get back, should be around 7 P.M., PST. Thanks again! :D]