(no subject)

Mar 04, 2007 13:47

[This evening, on the library roof, if one were so inclined to venture up there, one will find Crowley, still stuck in Lust's body. She (sometimes it's just easier to go with the pronouns that clearly describe the external) is wearing sunglasses and a jacket that clearly belong to Crowley on his more normal-looking days, and is lying on her back, staring at the night sky, smoking a cigarette. From the looks of the ashtray nearby, it's one in the long line of many. Crowlust appears to have something on his/her/whatever mind, and isn't looking particularly open to conversation or company at the moment. Approach at your own risk. ♥]

[ooc: Crowley is currently thinking long and hard about ineffability and why in Hell he hasn't gotten his regular body back yet.  He's sulky and grouchy and prickly and quite possibly reaching a personal best as far as sarcasm goes.  Come and bother him~~!]

[ooc: asdjfkl; being kidnapped to go to dinner. WILL CONTINUE WHEN I RETURN WHICH WON'T BE VERY LATE AT ALL, PINKYSWEAR.]


EDIT: AND PASSING OUT NOW -- will keep going in the morning~~
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