(no subject)

Jan 04, 2007 20:37

[ooc: will work on stats/permissions meme soon, promise! :D]

*A dark-haired man appearing to be roughly in his mid-twenties, wearing dark clothes, dark glasses, and a perpetual scowl, stalks through camp, stopping to glare down at the ground when he realizes his snakeskin shoes are currently caked in what he sincerely hopes is only mud. He stops, muttering to himself as he scrapes the mud off, onto a nearby rock*

Bugger and damn... never going to interfere in another bloody Apocalypse, not if this is the reward. Should've known something like this was going to happen. Nowhere to sleep, no Bentley, and a no sodding alcohol rule. Hastur's laughing his damned head off -- literally, if I'm at all lucky (of course, let's face it: right now, I'm not) -- and...

Oh, enough of this.

*suddenly the shoes are free of mud and gleaming as if they'd been freshly polished*

There. That's a bit better.
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