LJ stalking horror - a report by blackandwhiteox.
lick_it_ is stalking blackandwhiteox
lick_it_’s REAL name :
Verdin Williford
lick_it_’s REAL DOB :
05th August 1977
Height :159 cm
Weight : 80.9 kg
lick_it_ has dreamt about you :
24 times
lick_it_ became interested in you :
12th March 2004
lick_it_’s latest dream about you
You are stranded with lick_it_ on a deserted island and your stalker is trying to coax you towards sex by hoarding all of the food and refusing to give you any until you give in to their wishes.
This is how lick_it_ describes your relationship behind your back
‘If I didn’t have blackandwhiteox in my life I think I would chop my head off with my fathers razor. he really means that much to me.’
lick_it_’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
A pair of soiled underpants that you left out in your backyard after a night out on the razz.
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
In the past year lick_it_ has spent their entire life savings on cosmetic surgery in an attempt to look more like you.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
Love contains the same number of characters as fuck. This cannot be a coincidence. Shall we do it at your place or mine?
The Police
No. calls to the police :
30 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Ah fuck it not again. Look lick_it_ you little bastard, get your fucking head out of my bin or else I’m phoning the cops. Right that’s fucking it! Hello police? Yes it’s lick_it_ again. The little shit-stirrer."
lick_it_’s Police File
lick_it_ poses no real threat to society at large, unless of course your name is blackandwhiteox. In that case, you are royally fucked.
Testimonies about lick_it_
the_wildcat - Suicidal wreck
‘I’m gonna kill blackandwhiteox for being such a snide fucker. Who does he think he is? I’d love to give him a right slap in the chops! lick_it_ is a brilliant person.’
germandeluxe - Brainless patriot
‘I used to love lick_it_. This news has broke my heart. I feel like beating the shit out of that bastard, seriously. What a dick.’
marezydoats - Rotten heathen
‘lick_it_ is pointlessness personified. I just wish they’d kill themselves or something.’
gouf_up - Pig-hustler
‘I use the word cunt sparingly - it’s more effective that way. I’ve spent all morning texting lick_it_, with that word playing a key role in most of my messages.’