(no subject)

Apr 15, 2006 22:58

I wish to provide clarification regarding some potentially confusing events that occurred over the past two weeks.

My name is Enjolras. If you met anyone else from France in the year 1829, it was due to my having been infected with a camp virus that causes on to body-switch whenever one sneezes.

Additionally, my computer provided me with further detail, informing me that the name of this disease is the "Ex" Virus. Despite what might be implied by the name, my relationships with all of those with whom I body-switched are purely platonic in nature.

I do have a question regarding the "Ex" Virus, though. Does it continue to affect one after the initial infection? If so, for how long? It will be most troublesome if I switch in and out of here each time that I sneeze. As much as I wish to leave this place, I desire a real and permanent solution, not just a superficial, chaos-inducing reprieve from the situation.

EDIT: The writings linked to in this entry are all completely untrue. If the identities of the authors could be ascertained, the individuals in question would be sued for libel. As is usual in camp, I am unable to remove the links.

(( All links go to slashy fan fiction or fan art. Ratings range from G to R. Mostly worksafe -- I mean, it's the Les Mis fandom -- but I'd like to err on the side of caution. ))
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