OKAY. First set of applications! Players vote, non-players cheer on, and if you turn them down, please provide a small (nicely phrased) reason for doing so.
NOW VOTE. Now closed!
Character: Kuchiki Rukia.
Series: Bleach.
April 20, 20xx
The bullet holes in the cabin ceiling provide great ventilation, except I think it makes it easier for some of the zombies to get in. Most of them go for the ceiling and not the door. I never noticed hollows having any problems with handles, but maybe zombies are just stupider.
It turns out that you can't just hit a zombie over the head with your shotgun and kill it. You have to shoot it in the eye instead. I'm not quite used to these shotguns. Every time I try to shoot a zombie, I end up flying halfway across the room instead.
Next time I see Urahara, I'm going to kill him and then get a new gigai that zombies won't try to eat.
Poll Kuchiki Rukia Character: Vile
Series: Megaman X
Zombies. Fucking Zombies of all things.
I have no idea how the hell I got here, but whoever
took me here is going to die when I find them. I don't
have any Ride Armor and they took away my armor. My
ARMOR. I miss my shoulder cannon and jet pack. I
don't even have my helmet anymore.
Fuck. At least no one can all me a Boba Fett rip off
But seriously - what's with the zombies? Sure I can
rip them apart (they just won't die for some reason),
and the gore is great, but where are they coming from,
and why so fucking many?
If this is a camp, there has to be more people. I need
someone to torment, or toss to the zombies.
Poll Vile Character: Nara Shikamaru
Series: Naruto
This is absolutely pointless. I know what I did today. I don't care if you know what I did today. Really, I'd rather you didn't, but then mom insists that I write my thoughts down so she can know what I did at camp. So what can I do? Damn, women are so troublesome sometimes.
Wait, scratch that.
Women are troublesome all the time.
I woke up, ate breakfast, then went down to the lake to watch the clouds. I figured that it'd be a good way to pass the time -- I sure as hell didn't want to participate in that line dancing group, gods, what were the camp planners thinking when they came up with our schedules?
So anyway, going to the lake turned out to be a huge mistake. Some scary girl dressed in white kept harassing me (no, I'd like to keep my heart in my chest, thankyouverymuch). After I saw I few bunnies in the sky, I left and headed back to the cabin, where I am.
Right now. Typing this.
Ah hell, I'm going to stop now. So troublesome.
Poll Nara Shikamaru Character: Dynamo
Series: Megaman X
Suuure’, she said. ‘Take the job’, she said. ‘What could go wrong,’ she
I’ll tell you what could go fucking wrong!
Damned double-crossing sonuvabitch! When I get out of here, you are SO
dead! I’m gonna scrap you for this! How dare you knock me out and send
me, the Awesome Dynamo, to a Fucking Summer Camp of Death! Of
Un-Death, even!
You’re going to be sorry you messed with me! I’m one of the best fighters
in the world! I faced down Megaman X and Zero, damnit! The only reason you
got the upper hand on me is because I wasn’t really even trying! Yeah!
That’s right! You heard me! I wasn’t really trying that time. Take me on
again and I’ll give you a taste of my true prowess! I mean, who would’ve
thought that someone like you could ever get the upper hand on
And now I have to deal with these damned zombies! Literally! They’re
damned souls and all that clichéd crap. I mean, what the hell!? Who
uses zombies these days!? The upkeep is horrible and their combat
skills are so far beyond lacking it makes me laugh! Not to mention the
mess! And they chew on everything!
Have you any idea how hard it is to get zombie bits out of my hair?!
Do you? And my clothes! My clothes are ruined! Zombie juice
everywhere! DAMNIT!
I am SO sending you my dry cleaning bills…
Poll Dynamo Character: Tohru Honda
Series: Fruits Basket
Dear Mother,
Today I arrived at summer camp! It was so nice of Akito-san to pay for me
to go here, don’t you think? I do wonder why Sohma-kun and Kyou-kun were
running by the side of the bus, telling me to jump out the window before it
was too late, though... I hope they don’t fight too much while I’m gone.
And I hope Sohma-kun lets Kyou-kun do the cooking. I don’t think either of
them--or Shigure-san--knows how to get soot stains off of the ceiling.
I’m in my cabin now, Mother. It’s a little dusty, and I think it will be
chilly at night, but hopefully my roommates will be nice and we will all
have a fun time! I know we will, there are all sorts of fun things to do at
camp. Here’s a list of activities posted, it’s very long...
...Mother, what’s a “zombie?”
Love, Tohru
Poll Tohru Honda And if you haven't gotten a reply from me, don't panic. Unless I have a question, I'll only be contacting you when the results are in. Also, if you're having trouble emailing your application to me, comment right here so we can set something up.