Hello everybody! It took a lot of hard work, but I've got everything set up for our part of culture week!
The first thing you've got to do before coming in is go
get yourself classified! The classification system's a big part of all our lives! All our names our down in a big book, and next to them are the jobs that we need to do. It doesn't matter if you don't like your job, or totally suck at it, it's what you need to do. But you can't dislike it anyway, because your class forces you to want to be what it makes you. And if you think that sounds bad, it's still better than being unclassified like Ari is. Because, if you don't have a classification it's really hard for everyone else in the world to pay any attention to you.
So, while you're taking part in our culture, you need to stick to what your class is. Say, someone gets hurt. Somebody who's a doctor normally can't act like one on them unless they were assigned that class! And somebody who was assigned the doctor class needs to help them, even if they don't know the first thing about taking care of people!
Uh, but if that actually happens, don't do anything dumb. Just move them out of the area so the real doctors are allowed to do their job.
Next, ghosts!
In our world, ghosts float all over the place, and they attack anyone they can catch up with. In swarms! So, I made a bunch of ghosts out of balloons, and put them all over the area. If you see one, pop it! They're full of glitter and confetti and candy!
Real ghosts aren't filled with nice things.
Then there're tiny gears.
They're all over the place in our world, so I made a bunch out of cardboard and glitter and hid them everywhere. Whoever finds the most of them and brings them back to me will get a prize!
Last but not least, Cyphertexts! In our world there's an organization spread out all over the place that solves riddles and gives them to other people. So I made up new ones based on the ones we solved before, and made up a scavenger hunt with them! When you solve one, you go to the place its telling you to go and you'll find an item and another Cyphertext! Whoever solves them all first and brings me all the clues and an item from each stop will get a different prize! But if I find out you cheated and took all the clues or items from one of the stops, you won't get a prize and everyone else who played will get to beat you up!
Here's the first clue: "Kcans a evah dna htab a ekat og yhtlif er'uoy yeh."
Ari, Rosalyn, and Coach; you can solve them if you want, but since you already know how to do it you can't have the prize!
And that's about it! I might sing a few songs later if you're all lucky, but you just have to wait and see about that! I hope you all have a lot of fun.
ETA: The cyphertexts have been solved! You can still follow them for fun if you want, but you can't get a prize anymore!
((OOC: When you solve a Cyphertext, just reply to the main post saying where you've gone and if you got it right I'll reply with the item you find there and the next clue. Likewise, I'll make a reply saying to drop off tiny gears, then when you reply to it asking her to count them I'll head over to random.org and randomly generate a number for how many you found. I was thinking of replying to various posts and threads through the archives with hidden gears so there'd be an actual hunt, but am too lazy to do so.))