
May 30, 2005 15:41

HEY so I drank some coffee RIGHT and got all this energy and no outlet so I was getting shaky and antsy and Shinn offered to play Marco Polo with me so I looked it up and was all like MARCO and he was all like POLO and I was all like MARCO and then I fell into something that I don't know what it is! There was a thing by the raft with a hole in it where Shinn got the coffee from but I don't know if I fell into that I think I smell coffee but I can't smell anything because my nose is too stuffed up from being in the rain and water too long but Shinn covered the raft so I wouldn't get so wet ISN'T HE SO NICE TO ME and Lady Sakura is trying to get over to the raft and I hope she does so we can all play something WE SHOULD ALL PLAY MARCO POLO TOGETHER but right now I'm kinda stuck in this coffee hole!

I'D KINDA LIKE TO GET OUT SO WE CAN KEEP PLAYING but I guess it's not too important WHOA everyone is upside down this is really fun everyone needs to try this COFFEE STUFF even though it tastes TERRIBLE it's like WHOA and then you drink it and you're like WHOA and we all can be like WHOA together!

THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!111111!111111!1111

dynasty warriors:lu xun/boyan, !camp:events:flood

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