[OOC: Permissions]

Nov 08, 2013 01:04

Hugging this character: Hee, go ahead! He'll probably be a bit stiff at first, but give him a minute, he'll hug you back. He probably needs more hugs in his life anyway.
Kissing this character: Again, go ahead! If he doesn't like it, he'll just push you away. Or punch you, if he really doesn't like it. Touya's unpredictable like that.
Flirting with this character: 3 for 3, go ahead! His reactions will be awkwardly hilarious.
Fighting with this character: Touya loves a good battle, and he never says no to challenges. Actual physical fighting, though, is not something he's a big fan of.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Smaller things, like bruises, scratches, or the things one gets when they have a small scuffle is fine. Bigger things though, like broken limbs and the like, I'd like to be asked about first...but I'm evil, so you'd probably get a yes from me. :3
Killing this character: Ack, please don't!! D:
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Again, you can do it, but I doubt you'd get much out of him...and he'd be peeved if he found out.

Warnings: Touya doesn't talk a whole lot, and he tries to keep his emotions guarded. So if he seems like he's ignoring you, he's really not. He just doesn't always know what to say, or how to react...but he always listens, and he always picks up the little details of things.
And while flirting and the like is fine, Touya is a bit...asexual. He's never really been on a date, or kissed anybody, or done anything remotely romantic. The only crush he ever had was on Belle, and that was when they were 11, and he's long since gotten over it. So he has no idea what to do, how to do it, or even what gender he really prefers.
He maaay have a bit of a crush on N, but he doesn't know what that means. Having never really done anything romantic, those weird butterfly feelings he gets are just...weird stomach feelings. So please be gentle until he figures out what he wants. :D

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permissions, friends and family, meme, ooc, pokemon

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