I love internet drama.

Jan 16, 2011 11:42

I belong to, well several, internet forums. The fun happened this morning on one of the motorcycle/FZ6 forums. One member, a moderator, posted a for sale ad for some "revolutionary cable lubricator" that's "patent pending". Yeah, it's a set of 3 syringes with engine oil in them, and a flexible tube fitting to attach to them. I called him out in that it's neither 'revolutionary', nor is it actually patentable because it doesn't pass the "nonobviousness" test. It's 2 off-the-shelf parts put together to make an "invention". I called him out repeatedly about it because he never responded to my questions.

This morning, my posts were deleted, and I was then banned for a week from the forum, after being warned and doing nothing more. Damn moderators sure get butt hurt in a hurry. LOL
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