
Sep 11, 2005 23:03

Aaargh! I'm getting frusterated with my grandmother. She doesn't talk about anything that matters, just stories about her childhood, fire commissioner meetings (and really, who gives a shit about them unless you attend the meetings?), where there are new fire stations, her stupid boyfriend (who is only six years older than her oldest son, my dad), and Norway. And she won't shut up, either! I am sick of it! She won't talk about things that are bothering her, such as things I do that annoy her, but she'll mention it to other people, and they relay it back to me. What a jerk! She's arrogent too. She won't accept most other's opinions in serious matters, and can be mean and hurt people's feelings just by suggesting things. Twice today she's made little comments to me or about me that made me mad, because she had company over and seemed to be treating me like I was in the way. AAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHH! I really needed to vent.

Thank goodness tomorrow I get to go to Eburg to visit Melissa for several days. I'm thinking of making the comment "I'll be out of your hair for a few days, and you'll have the house to yourself," to my grandmother, just to see is she reacts in a looking-forward-to-it way or neutral. I've made cookies to take to Melissa, and have packed my bathroom stuff. I'm just finishing laundry, and I checked the oil, transmission fluid and replaced the headlights with brighter bulbs in the car in preperation for a long drive. I'm taking my CDs for in the car, and several DVDs to watch there. It'll be like a little vacation for me! I think I deserve it, especially after looking at how many hours I worked the last two weeks in comparison to normal (I think I did about 15 more hours than usual), and how stressed out I'm getting being cooped up here.

I need to get some more friends. As of now, Melissa is about the only person I talk to and hang out with, if you don't count the people at work I consider friends (but don't see outside of work). Hopefully I'll meet some new people at school this year. I had lots of friends during high school, but I felt disconnected from them once I graduated, and we gradually have stopped all communications. Woe is me!
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