May 03, 2015 04:38
So i stand corrected about getting a night owl holla. I actually got one from the person that suggested LiveJournal as a blogging template. Low and behold the magical world of Facebook chat where people try to find any reason to strike a conversation with you. So his way was saying he used to use LiveJournal and talk about his "dick" size. My response "i would write mine but there aren't enough characters available for the amount of numbers" As the conversation continues he states "Size doesn't matter" and i responded the way i would respond to anything and everything, with complete and utter humor. I said "Whoever told you that was probably just trying to make you feel better about yourself". I might of hurt his ego a little bit. He's still going along with it though like a champ. I admire that. Thanks for entertaining me during this boring work shift.
~Silly P