Apr 16, 2006 03:05
As political as I am, I try to avoid debates in my LJ. (Lie No. 1) I don't think it's appropriate to banter with one's friends, as I think it makes people uncomfortable, and I try to avoid that. (Lie No. 2) That said, I'm ready for this one.
I just paid out $600+ of my poor person's salary to the U.S. government. For all the stupids out there, that is in addition to the thousands I already paid out in my last 26 paychecks. And I am ready to scream at all the Bushies out there, because I am just that mad. So get ready for a fight.
1. Please respond if you are a Republican who is proud of your vote cast for this administration. Be sure to note whether you are a Republican or just one of those "homeland security" robots. I will, in turn, mock you.
2. Please respond if you truly think your, and my, and everyone else's, taxes, went to a reputable, or even responsible cause, like education for all Americans and building libraries and trying to combat the drug epidemic (for all the neo-Nancy Reagans out there), or even something less noteworthy, like fixing potholes or paying people who work to keep this country running. Be prepared to be mocked again. I do however want to hear from all the people who are so happy that their money ensures that Ahmad in Iraq will grow up with one fewer limb. Sorry, Ahmad, for all the fucking doofuses in this country who elected George W. Bush.
3. Please respond if you plan to vote for Bill Frist or Mitt Romney or even, hell, John McCain, because I am ready to hear from all the people who think those tired old white men will make a lick of difference in this country.
And, again, prepare to be mocked.