I'm pretty pumped about
this; I like goals and structure and stuff. And since I already paid, I pretty much am committed to doing it. (FYI, I registered for the race during a particularly boring part of the InDesign class today. I wonder if the instructor thought it odd that during the class I broke out my Visa card and started typing in numbers?)
But you know what this means: Hal Higdon is back in my life!
Every summer I say I'm going to run a race, usually a half-marathon, and I consult
Hal's Web site and plan my training schedule. And then halfway through I lose all focus. So here we go again. But this time I'm going to do it.
So look for me on January 2, lacing up my shoes, stretching my hammies, adjusting my ear phones. I'll be the inspired-looking runner on Lake Shore Drive.
It's on.