revision, my foot.

Dec 09, 2005 15:01

Why would anyone "make up" the Holocaust?

I mean, really, why? When it comes to spinning a yarn, people do it about great acheivements, athletic prowess, aristocratic heritage, and even appendage size-- but why would someone just fabricate the attempted extermination of Jews, not to mention Gypsies (Rumanians), Polish citizens, Jehovah's Witnesses, (Bibelforscher), disabled people, Afro-Europeans (by forced sterilization), and homosexuals of all national groups?

And if it all is a lie, well it is extremely well done. Not only have people from a multitude of distinct backgrounds been able to corroborate each other's stories, right down to minute, chilling details, but these camps actually exist, you can tour them. But hey-- who am I to say. I mean, those thousands and thousands of bodies happened upon at the end of WWII... well those folks just died of natural causes. And the photos? Photoshopped. Yes. Sixty-odd years before the invention of Photoshop, but nevertheless.

I just don't see what the rationale behind fomenting lies about grand-scale genocide would be. What is it going to accomplish? To turn the world against Germans? Being a person of German extraction, by way of Switzerland and Austria, I don't really feel we are, as a people, exactly pariahs. This could be wrong, but judging by the success of Volkswagen, a large portion of the scientific community, and well, Fabio, Germans as a whole seem to be doing okay.

Campbell Coney says: Think.

dub dub dos, opinions

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