Je suis bald.

Jun 07, 2005 14:02

Okay, well, we have two big updates.

The biggest, most personal one: MY HAIR IS GONE. ALL GONE. For those of you who weren't aware, I had UBER long hair. I suppose it was about 5 or 6 inches past my elbows...and I was completely in love with it. Then I had this random dream the other night that I had short hair and I woke up like, "Hey, that's not a bad idea." I last cut my hair short my freshman year, and donated it to Locks of I regrew it out with the same intentions. I got a little more attached to it last time, but it makes you feel so much better knowing you're giving it to a child who needs it so much more.

So in I walked, refusing to give it any second thoughts, and told 'em to take it all. Which ended up being about 15 inches.

Okay, okay, not ALL. It's about an inch above my shoulders right now, which is drastic compared to what it was. I never realized how much I hid behind my hair before now. But it's so much easier to take care of, and a lot less hot. Especially because it's been in the 90's.

So yes, that's my big personal news. Now I have 15 inches of hair to mail to Locks of Love and my good deed for the week shall be done.

Speaking of good deeds, I witnessed something really cool yesterday. A bunch of ladies and their daughters at my church got together to make lunch bags for MUST ministries (they deliver them to children whose families can't afford to feed them)...I mean a BUNCH. I think we ended up with 600 sacks. But it was just so cool to see all these people come together and give up their day to do something as boring as putting sandwhiches together and packing paper sacks. It was the first time I've actually seen love. It just had me glowing for the rest of the day. I think I'll do it more often. ^^

On a completely different note, I'm finally starting an icon journal. Okay, well I started it a long time ago, but have never used it. It's graphicality, but I haven't done anyting to it yet, so I'll let you know when I update it.

Now I must go shower (it only takes me 5 minutes now!) and get ready for work. I love you guys!
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