May 28, 2005 00:57

It seems like the words "Star Wars" have been appearing in my journal a lot lately. WELL, GET OVER IT. It's definitely not the last time you'll see it. For some random, ridiculous reason, something clicked into place between me and PS I'm finally starting to really use it on my own and getting it to actually work with me. For a while, I was heavily dependent on tutorials and looking at other icons while making my own...but I just made a new batch completely out of my head, and I must say it's an improvement. I'll post them on Sunday, since some of them are contest icons. :)

Speaking of icons...I totally got accepted over at goodswicons! Pardon my gloating, but this is big for me. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. WARM AND FUZZY, YA HEARD? Allow me my moment of big-headedness...because I don't get to do it often. XD

So what if I'm feeling psycho today?

Alas, I feel like birth control pills are making me nauseated (I take them for my skin, you dirty boy!) and my ADD meds have kept me from eating much I'm starving and at the same time I can't put food in my mouth without feeling sick. CHEMICALS SUCK.

Plus there's a big nasty bug flying around somewhere in my room and I'm afraid I'll swallow it in the middle of the night.*gag* So pardon me while I hunt it down and kill it.
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