Minor Character Appreciation Fest - Part 1 - Who's your favourite?

Jul 26, 2011 17:32

Brace yourselves, Toccoans, because it's time for the clunkily-named celebration of all things underappreciated that we call (for lack of a snappier phrase) -

Minor Character Appreciation Fest!

Several months back, when I was first appointed a moderator, several people suggested to me that they'd quite like some kind of event centred around the characters and pairings who don't get the lion's share of the fandom love.

I thought this was such a great idea, that I've lined up a whole series of posts over the next two weeks based around just that.

To kick us off, I'll be simply asking you: Who are your favourite minor characters, and why? Feel free to elaborate with essays, pictures, heartfelt sonnets - as the mood strikes you.

I'd also like to ask you all what counts as a minor character? Since obviously, we're going to have to get that clear near the start, and BoB has such a massive cast that it's not exactly easy.

I think we can all agree that characters that appear in only one episode, like Jackson or Renee, are minor, but some of the others are a bit borderline. Blithe doesn't have much screentime, but he does have an entire episode centred around him; does he count? Luz actually gets quite a lot of screentime, but there isn't much fic or art about him; does he count? There's countless similar examples, so we'd better work something out.

This was meant to go up yesterday, but LJ always picks the perfect moment to stop working...


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