Title: Special (12/20)
Summary: All over the world, people are waking up with extraordinary abilities. Not knowing how they got them or what to do, they will soon discover that they are not alone. They are all connected. They are all special. Based on NBC’s Heroes. Various Pairings.
Links to previous chapters inside.
“Your job is to shoot at people you don’t understand and try, let me reiterate TRY, not to get killed.” )
Comments 6
Yeah the "I love you" thing with Bill is that he doesn't really strike me as someone who pines after somebody. If he was feeling something he would say it- so he did :)
As for the name thing with Babe. I actually addressed that in an earlier chapter where he indicated that he had decided to change his name after he'd discovered he was adopted and his parents were being a nightmare about it. Of course, Toye wouldn't know that sense the last time he saw him he was a little kid.
So glad you like it! I'm getting a bit swept up into the plot myself. Thanks for the awesome comment :)
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