Apparently we're at 'Replacements' for the re-watch, so I thought, 'Why not cross-post here?'
He is one of my favorite characters, but I've decided to create this sketch mostly in response to the 'Under-appreciated Characters' challenge over at
inkontherisers, since there is not enough Bull love around. Plain ol' pencil on paper. I used a screen-cap for reference. Unfortunately my awesome scanner is not communicating with my computer, and my parents' scanner loses tons of detail. So this is a picture of my sketchbook.
I am well aware that I stretched his face out or something... his nose/mouth need to be closer to his eyes. Oh well. For some reason I'm rather proud of it. Perhaps because it's Bull and that's all the reason I need. Critiques would be greatly appreciated!
Cross-posted to
inkontherisers and my journal.