absolute suck ass socializer. NPPA social at the swamp this evening. i hate that place as it is. the waitresses always seem like they're working there as a part of their new honest lifestyle. so against their will but they have no other choice.
this groups of people makes me particularly the most nervous. so nervous, that i've managed to get myself tipsy on miller fucking lite in attempts to calm down. there was a lot of trade talk -- switching from canon to nikon, what classes, grad school, good photo programs across the country -- all of which i am too ignorant on. i don't know what brings on this absolute anxiousness. i end up clamming up and smiling blankly unable to overcome my own limitations.
if i could only step back and realize the drama-less situation im really in. but i cant. now im going to take some mediocre pictures of the quintessential female superficiality display that is the ms. UF pageant. hopefully, i'll be able to focus.
brett told me that HT died from a supposed self-infilcted gun wound. this is unquestionably disturbing. whats probably more disturbing is that fact that i;ve moved him up on my priority list because of the occassion.
my weiner is huge.
michael looks nice in red.
hey, i got a tatoo. right now, its crusty and not truly impressive, but i feel one fday it just might be.