Have You Ever...

Nov 02, 2005 23:38

Have You Ever...

tried a cigar? Yes
smoked? Yes (cigarettes have only happened when I was intoxicated)
made out with a member of the same sex? Negative.
tried alcohol? See the answer to the second question.
gotten drunk on a regular basis? No
went to school/work drunk? No
crashed a friend's car? No
stolen a car? No
skipped school? Ofcoarse not (would I lie to you?)
had a one night stand? nope
seen someone die? I've seen someone who was dead, but never actually watched someone die
shoplifted? Nope
been fired? Negative
been in a fist fight? Yeah, but it's been a while
snuck out of your parent's house? Nope
had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Hasn't everyone?
been arrested? Only for Jail-N-Bail.
gone on a blind date it ended up a disaster? Definitely
had a crush on a teacher? Not seriously, but I have had some hot teachers.
been to Canada? Canada sucks.
been to Mexico? Nope
been on a plane? even better...I've been skydiving!
thrown up in a bar? Never really been to a bar.
purposely set a part of yourself on fire? Is this a serious question?
eaten Sushi? yes, and I'll never make that mistake again.
been snowboarding? been skiing, not snowboarding
been moshing at a concert? Nope
taken painkillers? yes
love someone or miss someone right now? yes
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? heck yeah!
questioned your heart? Definitely
been obsessed with post-it notes? not really
squished barefoot through the mud? Shoot yeah!
been lost? yes
been to the opposite side of the country? Scotsdale, Arizona
swam in the ocean? yes
cried yourself to sleep? yes, but not recently
played cops and robbers? Heck yeah....you're not an American kid unless you've played Cops and Robbers!
recently colored with crayons/coloredpencils/markers? At work, I use crayons
sung karaoke? "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" on my Senior Trip to the Bahamas.
paid for a meal with only coins? yep...did that for gas once too.
done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yup
made prank phone calls ? yup
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? milk
caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes, but it was a LONG time ago ('93 blizzard)
danced in the rain? yes...pimp points were added
written a letter to Santa Claus? 'til I was like 12
been kissed under a mistletoe? Negative
watched the sun rise with someone you care about? Nope
blown bubbles? Shoot yeah!
crashed a party? Definitely
gone roller skating? That was the thing to do when I was like 14
had a wish come true? Yup
humped a monkey? That may be the strangest question I've ever seen!
worn pearls? with my garter belt and black dress (j/p)
jumped off a bridge? not yet...basejumping, here I come.
screamed penis in class? No, but I knew people in H.S. who did.
ate dog/cat food? yes
told a complete stranger you loved them? When I was drunk
kissed a mirror? Nope
sang in the shower? I hold "American Shower Idol"
have a little black dress? No
had a dream that you married someone? I think so
glued your hand to something? I superglued my hands together once
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? actually, it was a street light pole
kissed a fish? Nope, but I have kissed a deer (it was dead).
worn the opposite sexes clothes? I inherited clothes from my cousins (who are all girls) when I was a lot younger.
been a cheerleader? An actually cheerleader...no, but I have cheered from the bench.
sat on a roof top? Yup
screamed at the top of your lungs? yup
done a one-handed cartwheel? Yes (sober and drunk)
talked on the phone for more than 6 hours? Yup
stayed up all night? Ofcoarse
didn't take a shower for a week? pretty close...I think I went 4 or 5 days once
picked and ate an apple? yup
climbed a tree? yup
had a tree house? No, but a lot of my friends did.
are colorblind? Nope
cheated on a test? Nope
have a Britney Spears CD? I had (and probably still have) her first CD
Forgotten someone's name? all the time...I feel so bad too.
slept naked? yes, and it doesn't make much difference to me.
French braided someone's hair? Once, but it was REALLY bad!
gone skydiving? FRIGGIN RIGHT!
gone skinnydipping? Ci
rolled someone's house? I'm a pro
stolen a road sign? there's one in my dorm room right now that says "Road Closed Ahead"
couldn't help but laugh at someone when they tripped or hurt themselves? yup
had a baby throw up in your mouth? not in my mouth but on me
swam with dolphins? nope
gone outside of north america? Bahamas
had a cd-buying addiction? nope
knitted or crocheted? I did a cross-stitch once when I was like 6.
ridden the kids' carousel in wal mart, and you were over the age of 17? I don't think so
enjoy playing in parks and swinging? Ofcoarse
will have a cup of coffee at any hour of the night? Usually...but I've given up coffee for a while (and lost 15 lbs since I did it)
had to change a flat tire? I stopped and changed someone elses
have been driving and your car broke down? On the way back from Six Flags once
ridden in the back of a cop car? Twice, for Jail-N-Bail
shot a gun? Are you kidding...my family owns like 40 guns
ridden on a cow's back? No
water skiied? Yeah...I'm not that great, but I'm an awesome kneeboarded.
LOVE JESUS? Heck Yeah!

Well, that was a waste of time. I should be studying right now, but I'm just killing time...I think I'm gonna make myself a sandwich and glance over my astronomy stuff before I go to bed. I'll study it tomorrow during my assignment and before the class. Anyway, here's a quote for everyone.(Sorry about the short and random post).

Mystery Quote of the Day:

"It's not who I am inside, but what I do that defines me."

That quote is from an AWESOME movie! Somebody leave a comment with the movie that it's from and the actor who said it, if you know. Anyway, everybody be safe and have a great week.

~ J.T.
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