Well that was scary :(

Jun 12, 2008 23:09

Poor Cam!!

I got a phone call this afternoon to say there'd been an accident with Cam. I'm used to them calling about bumps and scrapes, my son is good at bumping himself, but this was the headmaster calling which set alarm bells ringing.

Basically he was on his special needs bike which is heavy, and it tipped as they turned a corner with him. It toppled over and because he was strapped into it, it basically slammed his head against the tarmac. He went into a seizure and lost consciousness for around five mins. They had already called an ambulance so we went straight to the hospital.

This isn't Cam's hospital because we are bi central to the town his school is in and the town his medical care is in, so they had no idea of his medical history. However they were AMAZING and so thorough, plus the school took information about him with them. He had a dirty nappy when we got there but we couldn't change him until they had given him an xray and ct scan since they didn't want to risk moving him. They cut through his tops to get them off :| Xray was fine, he went for a ct under sedation not long after we got there.

CT showed bruising on the brain which turned out to be just some calcification, most probably down to his condition so not a big deal. He's not looking great, he's slept the whole day and is pretty out of it. He's had some diarrhoea and threw up everywhere. Probably a knee jerk reaction to the trauma and concoction of sedation meds and booster steroids. He's at least opened his eyes for a bit and made some noise so hopefully it's not concussion and he can come home tomorrow.

Matt's in with him since Charlie would have freaked out if I had spent the night away (Harvs too bless him) but I really don't like being home and not there with him :s

Hopefully he'll be home asap tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!


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