Sep 29, 2010 19:48
the lies are really obvious, and meant to impress such as "I went to a Justin Bieber concert last night" when you can easily look up Justin's tour schedule and find out he was in town 4 months ago and is on the other side of the country now.
or my current favorite from a 6th grader who is reading at the 4th grade level:
"I don't know why I love biographies so much. I'm really into Harriet Tubman. You know what? I've read Moby Dick."
Me: The Wishbone version?
"No, the real one!"
Me: Really? The real one? You know it's that thick. (Indicate 4 inches with hand.)
"Yes! I know! That one. I've read it 5 times."
Me: Wow (Note no exclamation point. Voice a bit on flat side.)
She goes on her way and while she's checking out some thin, age appropriate romances and bios on Harriet, she yells across the library "My parents even have to take it away from me because if I'm reading at bedtime I can't put it down, & I can't go to sleep."
Me: Sadly in thought bubble, because I'm a nice person. "Really? That's interesting? Because my parents had to take it away from me because I fell asleep and dropped it on my head."